Find your project on our database

On this database you discover all the international projects offered in Belgium and abroad. Some permanent projects are also there (projects which take place on a permanent basis and which the volunteer can join for the desired duration, they are indicated for periods ranging from 1 to 2 years)

Important! Although some partners organize international camps all year round, the season generally runs from April to September. The projects for the year are available from mid-March on the database, for the following summer.

In general, if you want to go longer, contact Elena!

How to find a construction site? Select:

  • a date or period
  • a country, a continent or the whole world
  • indicate your age (those under 18 will then discover the sites reserved for minors) and your gender
    select or not one or the other theme
Projet Guyane
Projet Allemagne
Projet Belgique