chantier international JAVVA artistique

JAVVA – Young People Active in Volunteering and Alternative Travel – is a Belgian non-profit organization, created in 1999. Its origins were a group of young people convinced by the relevance of international projects as tools for promoting peace. In 2003, JAVVA obtained recognition from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium as a Youth Organization.

Today, JAVVA defines itself as a Youth Organization for Citizen Action and Intercultural Dialogue. The association has around forty active members, welcomes around a hundred young people from all over the world annually on local development projects in Belgium and allows around a hundred young people to participate in international volunteering projects abroad each year.

Our mission

JAVVA promotes an ideal of tolerance, solidarity and peace among young people around the world. We encourage the active participation of young people and their mobility in the hope of maximizing their potential as active, responsible and critical citizens within society. The themes of accessibility of volunteering to less fortunate young people and the reception of people seeking international protection and refugees are particularly close to our hearts. JAVVA does not claim any political or ideological affiliation: it is open to everyone!

Our approach

International workcamps and volunteering projects allow intercultural encounters and the discovery of others and are therefore, in our opinion, a tool for building peace. They contribute to a world that is fairer, more united and more respectful of differences. If our projects do not fall within the framework of humanitarian aid or emergency aid, they invite immersion in another culture, learning group life and participation in a small-scale development project, defined and designed by the local host community.

On their return, volunteers often feel mobilized by what they experienced. If they wish, they are invited to remain active in the non-profit organization. JAVVA also allows young people to participate in seminars and international training around themes such as peace education or the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. They have the opportunity to get involved in one of our thematic groups, become a camp leader and participate in various events in the Belgian associative world.

All young people who participate in a volunteering project automatically become a member of the non-profit organization and are invited to general meetings. If they wish to become more involved in the running of the organization, they are encouraged to become members of the general assembly or the board of directors. We will consider this experience to be very educational and welcome any motivated and interested person without any prerequisites.

JAVVA wants to listen to the projects, initiatives and dreams of young people who want to contribute actively and constructively to a more equitable society.

Meet our permanent staff team!


Responsible for sending volunteers abroad

📧 📱 +32 470 63 70 16 

Contact me if you want to participate in a project abroad!

Hi, I’m Elena. 3 years ago, I participated in a European Solidarity Corps project in Belgium. Now, I have changed my perspective and I myself send young people on projects all over the world! My adventure in Belgium began in Ghent with an Erasmus in 2019, and since then, I have lived, studied and worked in the field of interculturality and migration in Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels. Besides all that, I dance jazz and do watercolor 🙂

Come meet me at an information session, at a trade fair or at the office for a one-on-one meeting if you want to go on a solidarity project abroad, whether for a few weeks or even a whole year!

Hello 😊 I’m Anaïs! I take care of the volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps who come to Belgium and the international projects which take place all summer in the Wallonia-Brussels Region.

I have been living in Belgium for 3 years now and before that I lived in France (where I am originally from), Spain, Austria and Greece.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about volunteering in Belgium, I will be happy to answer you!



Responsible for international projects in Belgium

📧 ou (for the European Solidarity Corps)

📱 +32 471 64 89 13

Contact me if you want to participate in a project in Belgium!


Educational secondee

📧 📱 +32 471 60 11 73 

Contact me if you want to participate in a local action!

Good morning ! It’s me, Marie! I am an educational secondee at JAVVA where I am in charge of training (pre-departure, next-step, team-leader.euses), local actions (intercultural immersion projects in Belgium lasting one to a few days) and very soon intercultural activities in secondary schools!

My first immersion in a culture other than mine, in Nepal, shook up my preconceived ideas and opened my mind to the richness of interculturality. Since then, I have sought to develop these meetings in Belgium and am convinced that interculturality opens doors to empathy, respect and peace. I am also the mother of three great little guys, am passionate about nature and I practice yoga!

Since January 2019, I have joined the team and take charge of the administration and accounting of the association. With several years of professional experience in different companies and associations, I would like to share my skills with JAVVA.

I am convinced that today’s society is looking for more multicultural humanity. The values ​​defended by the association allowing less fortunate young people to participate in international volunteering projects are particularly close to my heart.


Administrative and financial collaborator

📧 📱 +32 499 74 30 10



ECS volunteer

📧 📱 +32 471 75 08 56 

If you have any questions about W.I.TH Action projects or would like to participate, do not hesitate to contact me!


My name is Ekin and I am in charge of inclusion and migration projects at JAVVA as part of the European Solidarity Corps volunteering.

I coordinate W.I.TH Action projects which aim to promote intercultural dialogue and the integration of applicants for international protection within the local community.

I am originally from Istanbul, Turkey. I discovered my passion for collaboration and volunteering at the age of 17 at the Mathematical Village of Nesin, in Izmir, Turkey. I have also participated in volunteering projects in Türkiye and Germany over the years. After obtaining my law degree at Istanbul University, I chose to follow an international path and participate in a CES project at JAVVA, in Belgium.

If you have any questions about W.I.TH Action projects or would like to participate, do not hesitate to contact me!



📧 📱 +32 470 89 86 36 

Our Board of directors










And the other members of our General Assembly












