We are a group of scouts/students and we would like to go volunteering. Can JAVVA help us?
I have dreamed of doing humanitarian work for a long time, what does JAVVA offer?
I’m 15, can I go on a construction site?
I am 45 years old, can I go on a construction site?
My best friend and I want to go on a construction site together, is this possible?
I don’t have any financial resources to cover my trip, so I can’t leave?
I only speak French, is this a barrier to starting a project?

We are a group of scouts/students and we would like to go volunteering. Can JAVVA help us?

JAVVA does not specialize in sending groups abroad. As the objective of our international volunteering projects is to promote cultural diversity, the vast majority of our partners abroad only accept one or two people from the same country.
However, depending on the requests we receive, some partners can offer custom-built projects. The choice is, however, more limited and we cannot offer a list of well-defined projects that one would simply have to choose from.
Certain conditions must be considered to continue the adventure of the group project with JAVVA:

  • It is easier to organize a project outside Europe (Africa, Asia, Central America) even if certain European partners are starting to accept groups.
  • JAVVA charges a registration fee of 100 euros per person in Europe and 135 euros per person outside Europe. There is no group rate.
  • The host organization also charges additional fees for accommodation and/or food. These can vary between 180 and 300 euros per person depending on the partner.
  • Flight, passport/visa, vaccinations and insurance are the responsibility of the participants.
  • JAVVA organizes training before departure in which it is obligatory that all volunteers participate (the date is decided together later)
  • 50% of the JAVVA registration fees must be paid no later than 1 month after sending the project description to the group. If this is not the case, we will consider that the group has decided not to proceed and the procedure canceled.
  • A written testimony as well as photos will be requested upon return of the project.

How’s it going?

  • JAVVA offers a first meeting with the managers in the office in order to get to know each other and discuss the group’s expectations.
  • Following this first meeting and if a host country has been identified, JAVVA undertakes to contact the local partner and send a proposal to the group.
  • If this proposal is not suitable, a second proposal will be made (within the possibilities of the local partner)
  • Upon confirmation of interest in the project from the group, JAVVA requests payment of 50% of the registration fees (100/135 euros per person) to our account BE23 0682 4911 2191 within 30 days. Any lack of payment will automatically result in the abandonment of the project.
  • In exchange, JAVVA undertakes to provide a general roadmap as quickly as possible and makes itself available to answer any questions.
  • A mandatory one-day training date will be set around Easter.
  • The detailed roadmap will be sent no later than one month before the start of the project.

Small reminder: JAVVA is committed to supporting the group in its project but this does not mean that we will take care of the procedures. The purchase of the plane ticket, insurance, vaccinations, visa, preparation of the trip…. the group takes care of it! We of course remain present to help and guide him.

If you would like to take the next step and make an appointment, contact us at 02/478.29.19 or via sending@javva.org

I have dreamed of doing humanitarian work for a long time, what does JAVVA offer?

It is true that the term « humanitarian » can sometimes lead to confusion but let’s be clear, at JAVVA we do volunteering and not humanitarian work. In our opinion, humanitarian work requires professionals who have formal skills to provide to populations in need. Conversely, at JAVVA, we work with volunteers who have no qualifications, just great motivation and who go to regions where the community does not fundamentally need them. Volunteering is above all a story of intercultural encounters and learning rather than helping a population. Which does not detract from its importance!

I’m 15, can I go on a camp?

The majority of sites are accessible to those aged 18 and over, but some partners offer sites for minors. These partners are located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Iceland, Serbia, Estonia, Finland. These projects require a little more supervision and generally call on professional facilitators. All this has a higher cost, which means that these projects require local participation fees which are around 200 euros per volunteer (in addition to JAVVA registration fees and travel).

I am 45 years old, can I go on a camp?

Although international construction sites generally attract young people, the vast majority of construction sites are open to everyone, with no age limit! You should also know that the summer vacation period is when students are available to go on construction sites. If you want to have a slightly more heterogeneous group, we invite you to go out of season. Otherwise, some partners organize projects for people over 25 or over 30!

My best friend and I want to go to a camp together, is this possible?

Normally the rule is that there are a maximum of 2 people from the same country per site in order to guarantee the cultural diversity of the group as much as possible. In addition, going as a couple can be a hindrance to integration into the group, so it is important to be aware of this. Generally speaking, the partner must confirm this possibility after receiving the registration form.

I don’t have any financial resources to cover my trip, so I can’t leave?

For JAVVA it is very important that volunteering is accessible to everyone, regardless of the financial means that the young person has at their disposal. This is why, each time a volunteer pays registration fees, a part is donated to the « solidarity fund » which makes it possible to welcome volunteers from southern countries and to send young people who are not really have no financial resources. Money should not be a barrier and we will be happy to discuss it with anyone who requests it.

It is also interesting to know that there is a series of projects which are financed by Europe including short or long term European voluntary service as well as youth exchanges.

I only speak French, is this a barrier to starting a project?

There are generally no linguistic criteria for participating in a project. Of course you have to show a little common sense by not signing up for a project whose job will be to create animation around a foreign language. Then you have to be aware of your own limits: if you are someone who is a little shy and going alone for the first time, France can be a good solution since the trip will be easier (possibility of asking for directions ) and there will always be the possibility of speaking with site leaders and the local community. Within the construction site, the language of communication is generally English but we always manage to make ourselves understood!