Want to discover and get involved in our bodies?

Are you an experienced person and would like to put your skills at the service of our bodies, or on the contrary rather a young novice interested in learning and getting more involved within our association? JAVVA is recruiting new members for its General Assembly and Board of Directors. A great volunteer opportunity not to be missed!

Volunteering for a few hours, days, months, in Belgium or abroad, alone or in a group, in various fields? JAVVA is a Belgian non-profit organization which offers various international volunteering projects as an opportunity for discovery and learning, and as a tool for building peace through intercultural encounter.

JAVVA is based in Anderlecht and recognized as a Youth Organization by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. We welcome young people from all over the world on local development projects and allow many Belgian residents to participate in volunteering projects abroad, according to each situation and desire.

Our association is part of an approach by and for volunteers, with a priority for those under 35, and an inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities or in need of international protection. Do not hesitate to forward it to your possibly interested contacts and redirect them to us to discuss it. We promise lots of meetings, experiences and enrichments!

via 📧 coordination@javva.org or 📱 +32 470 89 86 36


The General Assembly (GA)

The AG is the sovereign power, made up of effective members. She is responsible for the main guidelines of the association and approves the annual accounts and budgets, as well as the program and activity reports.

The AG meets twice a year during an assembly lasting several hours, with members of the team and other volunteers or members. This time is also an opportunity for meetings, parties and other activities with the whole Javanese family!

The Board of Directors (BDC)

The OA is the manager of the association, made up of administrators. He ensures that the activities of the association and its social purpose are consistent. He is a resource person for the team, and is also involved in the association’s projects!

The JAVVA Board of Directors meets monthly, or 10 to 12 per year, during meetings lasting a few hours. The JAVVA coordination as well as other members of the team are invited depending on the topics covered.


Composition, conditions and rights

The adherent members are people who wish to help the association or participate in its activities, and who have paid a subscription. They do not have the right to vote, but can attend general meetings with a consultative voice.
The effective members are people who are running as candidates and have been elected by the general assembly. All full members have the right to vote.

The administrators are appointed by the General Meeting, based on individual applications. The mandate is three years, renewable once.

As a youth organization recognized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, JAVVA must include in each of its bodies ⅔ of effective members under the age of 35. There are no Belgian nationality or residence requirements. CA members must provide an identity document for publication in the Moniteur Belge.